Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship
The Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship (PHCSE) is a K-8 public school located in the Pittsburgh region, serving an 86% black student population who receives all meals free. Since 2011, PHCSE has represented the only K-8 public school in Pennsylvania with a core focus in entrepreneurship education. Serving as a leader in the K-12 entrepreneurial education industry, PHCSE has presented its unique learning model at national and local conferences. In addition, PHCSE routinely hosts and trains K-12 educators throughout the United States interested in implementing an effective entrepreneurship education program. PHCSE envisions funds from the PACSP grant will strengthen its reach regionally, with a primary goal to give more students and families access to entrepreneurship education. This funding opportunity will undoubtedly help PHCSE accomplish this goal by equipping approximately 288 students and twelve (12) classrooms in grades K-3 by the 2023-2024 school year with appropriate learning materials and resources needed in an entrepreneurial learning environment.
● Goal 1: PHCSE will increase student enrollment by 20% or more
● Goal 2: On average, students will demonstrate an 8% growth in STAR reading and math proficiency. (5-year Strategic Plan - Programmatic Coherence & Alignment - Goal 1)
● Goal 3: Develop partnerships with local universities to host and develop pre-service educators of color to establish a permanent pipeline of qualified, internally-vetted minority candidates. (5-year Strategic Plan - Focus on Race and Equity - Goal 1) PHCSE consistently outperforms its authorizer, Penn Hills School District, on state standardized testing and overall school performance. PHCSE has also been a top performer in math, ELA, and science performance when compared to other K-8 charter schools in Western Pennsylvania.